We’re happy to have some of the top surfers on our team at Liquid Foundation. See below where some of the Liquid Foundation surfers were featured and mentioned.
Ed Custodio was mentioned on Surf Line for his excellent performance at the 11th Annual WILDCOAST Dempsey Holder Ocean Festival and Surf Contest.
Isauro Elizondo, a ten-year-old surfer from Santa Catalina, was featured in an article on The Visit Panama where he speaks of wanting to compete internationally at the East Coast Surfing Championship (ECSC) August 17-24 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S.A.
Isauro Elizonda was featured again on Dana Point Times for coming in 1st place for the Boys U11 Shortboard competition at the 9th Annual WSA Menehune Pirate’s Chest Surf Fest on July 12, 2014.
We are proud to have a many of our surfers mentioned such as Ed Custodio, Kitsy Nipper, Charlie Rick, Bre Custodio, and Chris Munsterman in an article on Surfer’s Village.